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Hello, and welcome to this website. It's a non-monetary, bulletin board based one, where you can get quick and easy access to Biblical verses regarding the validity, and authenticity 

about His identity and Lifes' purpose.

(While you STILL CAN!)

You can also find posts concerning "signs in the Sun, Moon & sky"

from site members and staff. 

Enjoy your visit

    How many times in your life would you say that you, ... had to JUST TRUST that whatever you were about to do was going to turn out okay? I can tell you from thinking about it for many, many years myself, that the actual number is WAY MORE than you imagined or will probably even guess after thinking about a second time!

   For example, when you were just a baby there had to have been countless times that you (or pretty much everybody else for that matter) didn't even realize or perceive. I'm not knowledgeable about such things but, the type of experience that I am referring to is, taking a conscious, "leap of faith" to make an attempt at anything really. (Taking first steps, running, jumping and even trying to learn and even to speak.)

   Another example is in the fact that we ALL must learn one, very particular "lesson" on our own when we either become curious to really find out what fire actually feels like ("Is it really hot, like people tell you"?) or we learn it against our will - not by choice.  Unfortunately, it's NOT an "instinctual awareness" that is passed down through our DNA from one generation to the next. We all eventually just "learn it". Even if we only get close enough to satisfy our curiosity, we all learn it at some age. Anyone with kids that love a campfire or fireplace can attest to the fact that they each have a different level of curiosity and tolerance yet, they all seem to be curious until they know. (It's probably one of the experiences that unites us on a primitive level as a species.)

Now I want to ask again but, by taking it to another level.

   How many times have you risked your life when taking a leap of faith? I'm guessing that most people would say only a few times after trying to remember their past "risky moments" in life. (Most of those probably come from trusting someone that you probably shouldn't have to drive some type of vehicle with you in it - Car, motorcycle, plane, etc.) I'm also guessing that most people aren't big about the adrenaline rush of putting your life at risk but, the ones who are must do so countless times in their lifetimes.


    Now I am going to shock you with a realization that I believe only a chosen few have come to experience! (The ones who have seen it already, have done so because they prioritize and focus so much of their mind, heart and time into one, certain area of their lives.) I am going to try and make you aware of this without any pre-conceived judgements or, feelings on my part whether you have seen this, or not. I say this for good reason. What I am about to say to you is of the MOST SERIOUS nature and subject so, it's going to have the appearance of having 'judgement' upon it so, I want to be very clear up front about this message. 

Don't mistake my serious tone, for "judgement" here. That being said, I'm just going to come right out, and say what needs to be said.


   The VAST MAJORITY of humanity in todays' world, are PUTTING THEMSELVES AT MAJOR RISK, ALL day, EVERY DAY! Without taking any "LEAP" of faith whatsoever! Although they ARE operating daily HAVING faith about how to perceive the world, it's most likely that most of them are anywhere from vaguely aware to clueless about it! Not only that but in my opinion, WHAT they are putting at such risk HAS TO BE, the "over-riding and most crucial part" of our existence as human beings!

 It's not because they don't care either!  It, and risking "it" are mostly OVERLOOKED because of 3 reasons, in my opinion.

  1. It's such a subtle part of our experience as humans, and therefore easy to completely overlook. (Only seen when looked for.)

  2. Talking about & teaching this part of our experience is almost completely avoided in the vast majority of societies today.

  3. Using this part of our experience requires an open mind and, "faith" in the process. 

So, don't be hard on yourself if you are in this part of humanity, and haven't realized it yet, alright? ​ (Btw, the ones who are aware, and are STILL TAKING the risk anyway, are in the gravest of dangers!)


   Before I let the "cat out of the bag" as to what I am saying specifically, I want to ask you something that SHOULD BE easy to answer for any, caring human. (What I mean is, it should be common knowledge in our day and age but STILL, I am just asking for YOUR opinion right now.)

"What IS the most crucial and over-riding aspect of humans?"

Did you have a quick answer? (I can answer quickly with the name it is called, but if you ask me what that means, I come up "looking for words" before I can answer myself. Really though, "Humans" should know this, right? - Basic info. The "most crucial". "Over-rides everything else". "About humans". (Should be common knowledge (even if we chose different words than I am using here to label it) and you would think that we'd be interested too!)

Do you also think we'd be hard pressed to find 3 groups of people that give one, simple answer to that, SIMPLE question?! (I have no doubts about it, myself.)


   I'll give you a clue before I give you what my answer is. The REASON that it is the most "crucial" to me is because it's the part of us that, "ONLY ONE can stop or, put an end to it"!

   I'll give it to you that my clue may be somewhat confusing for many out there reading it, due to the way that I phrased it. If you're still curious and confused, I chose those words as my clue for the following comparative analogy, 

   Modern science is able to manipulate multiple energies, in multiple ways. Yet, it cannot create them, nor end them.

   THIS PART of our existence is the same way!


The REALLY INTERESTING part is that it requires a leap of faith to PROTECT this part of ourselves from ANY major risk.

​   Have you realized what I'm talking about already? I kept it to myself so far (again) for a reason. I hope that most of you HAVE figured it out by now though. (It would be a sad sign if not, and I'd rather not know it if so.)][;l


   I'm talking about your "SOUL". And regardless of your religious beliefs nor lack thereof, anyone out there GAMBLING THEIR SOUL on the issue of, WHO can protect it from ALL things to come, and HOW LONG they have to make their final decision regarding WHO THEY CHOOSE, is being the epitome of "foolish"!!! This is not THE decision on which you want to wait too long to make, nor choose badly!


   Do you know when YOUR last day on Earth will be?

(TOO MANY have already passed on choosing to go it alone, or without even making this crucial decision.)



"Are YOU at Risk of this?"

Written by Mark A Graham


Sept. 07, 24

"Are YOU at Risk of This?"

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