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Dedicated to those truly seeking God in perilous times which seem to be running out quickly as of 2024!
God is Real
HEB 11:6 EXO 3:14 DAN 2:28 REV 1:4, 1:8, 4:8, 11:17 & 16:5
"For it is written, As I live," saith the Lord, "every knee shall
bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God." Romans 14:11
Submitted by Anthony G. - Arizona, USA on 10-10-23
Hi, my name is Anthony G. I am a 65 yr. old American, living in Arizona, and I would like to express how much I agree with what I read just above here, (It really DOES require a 'leap of faith' to know!) and share my story of how - I - finally got to 'truly knowing' that, God the Almighty is real.
I was raised without hearing a word about religion in general. I knew about Jesus but, I didn't know that "He was the only way to the Father", because I had one parent who was a severe asthmatic, with low blood sugar, who was forced to attend Catholic school until puberty. Which made them completely disagree with forcing beliefs on anyone! In turn, their children were left to hear something on their own and were expected to come ask one of the parents about what they heard. (In my opinion, NEITHER of these 'extremes' work very well.)
I learned about & was saved by the Gospel, all at the same time, BY MYSELF, in a Christian trailer at a state fair when I was 10 years old! (It was vacant when I went in.) I instinctively KNEW beyond ANY doubt, that this story being told in 4 parts, was true, and I was in shock and hurt that no one in my family felt the need to share this amazing story with me before!
Fast forward 7 years, I had just completed 3 years of being forced to go to church EVERY Sunday, by rotating through a different denomination each Sunday, out of 5 or 6 different ones, and I was VERY confused about how to interpret MOST scriptures, because I kept hearing each church have a different interpretation of them! At which point, I gave up on organized religion and started a journey on my own to find the truth. By the time I was 27, I quit my job, became homeless BY CHOICE, and focused on following the Holy Spirit daily, with no expectations. I just leapt out with both arms open into life with Jesus!
The next 3 years of my life were the most amazing! I was prospering in every way, including learning from Jesus, and especially in happiness! I had the best job of my life to that point, had a car and a truck and was not only in love for the first time but, preparing to propose to the young woman! This continued until I began to believe that, - I - was doing these things! I took my focus OFF of Jesus and put it upon myself.
Within 6 months, I'm jobless, dead broke, no car, left by my first love, and in such a deep depression that I don't get out of bed, not 1 single, solitary time for 4 consecutive days. (I had always been able to sleep for 2 hours if in a comfortable, quiet place at any time of day or night so, I just kept going back to sleep for another 2 hours. I REALLY did!)
On the morning part of day 4, I had just gone back to sleep and found myself in a lucid dream but it was quite unclear at first. As I focused more, I realized that I was dreaming about having an out of body experience, watching myself in bed having a lucid dream!
I then went back and forth from the lucid dream to the out of body experience. (I believe this happened at least 3, maybe 4 times.) Then, while out of my body I wondered, "Am I dead?! "If I am, I guess I'm going to find out if Heaven and Hell are real!"
As I had that thought, my room became pitch black and, I felt myself going through the floor into total darkness, moving faster & faster toward what felt like "monumental suffering"! Which, I could not only hear but feel, getting louder & stronger as I moved faster, and closer to it. Somehow, I KNEW, in total darkness that I was nearing a black door, on a black wall, and I had NO CONTROL over stopping to go in it. (I was already used to lucid dreaming, and this was not that because NONE of the lucid dream techniques or laws were working or present.)
As I reached the threshold, I screamed out with every cell of my being, "Jesus, NOOOO!" This was done in total darkness, with my eyes scrunched shut as tight as they could go, and I STILL SAW the face of Christ in my minds' eye! (I didn't recognize Him though until I saw the PEACE that was in His eyes, at which point I heard the words, "There's nothing to fear." I then I opened my eyes and I was back in my bed, looking at His face with the most peaceful look that I have ever seen (before or since), with the overwhelming feeling that there was nothing to be afraid of, and that I was protected, AND provided for by God Almighty, and His only, begotten Son. (That was 40 years ago. 40 years that COULD HAVE been spent in Hell!)
Since then, I have learned that I have the gift of tongues, and how to let the Holy Spirit speak through me (which completely cannot be me because the tongues spoken are WAY BEYOND my abilities!) and I am currently being worked with by the Holy Spirit in my dream state, on discerning and expelling evil spirits. (Again, way beyond "ME"!)
Abilities that ALL of which, will be needed in the days to come, which now seem closer than ever!
Thank you, findinggod.online for your website, and for sharing my story! TIME IS RUNNING! He, is coming! }:-{~ * Luke 12:40
When My Soul was Saved Due to a Video Presentation
Submitted by Anthony G - Central Az USA on Sept. 06,2024
Where would you expect a 10-year boy to end up who was just set free, to go ALONE anywhere in the Colorado State Fair of 1969? (Even most boys of that age!) This is my story and without even hearing what your answer would be, that's not where I ended up. (I can rightly say that I know for sure that I ended up in some place 'unusual'. I'll get there in a minute though.)
I don't remember what day of the week it was, but I remember it was a weekday because we had to be taken after normal work hours. After driving 30 - 40 minutes to get there it was dark when we finally DID get there. It was also cold that night (in the 50s or low 60` temps.) for being in early June & just after school was let out for summer break. (Back in those days, we got out the first week in June until the first week of Sept. for Summer break.) Also, it was literally, "the Summer of 69"! Before I go any further at this point, I need to give you a little background and history for me in order to understand the MAJOR impact that the events of that night had upon me, THEN and for the rest of my life!
It was the beginning of a journey that apparently, has no end! I grew up on the suburbs of a small city of about 45,000 people right on the border of a city park which was left natural as alpine desert land, just below the base of the Colorado mountains along the front range. We had just over 2 and a half acres of land on our property which my parents were in the process of buying throughout the 1960's. The natural landscape was covered in brush such as scrub oak and some junipers with the occasional pine tree here and there. On our land, we had one blue pine tree over 50 ft. tall, 2 giant oaks (one over 6 foot in diameter at the base) and several imported Manzanita bushes around the front of a 3 story, 10,000+ sq. ft. Victorian mansion built in the late 1890's (1894 - 96 I believe, and originally as a hotel.)
We, as many who lived there before us would go back every few years to check up on the place and the property. Every owner, (including us when it happened to us) was very cordial and accommodating, usually saying; "I totally understand why! We may be doing it one day ourselves. Come on in!" Anyway, this place was a PARADISE upon which little boys could grow up. We had an oval shaped garden in our driveway with a circle in the center of it made of tall juniper trees. (This created a hidden, shaded space inside the circle of trees that we had to sneak our way into without hurting any of the flowers along the way in. Otherwise, we'd have to answer to mom!) We called it "the island", because it was oval shaped and the flowers when freshly watered, were like the waters around our island. (We spent a lot of time in there in the Summers. :-) On the other side of the house was the giant oak tree with perfect big, sturdy branches to climb, sit and lay back on. It had a picnic table that my dad had built which went all the way around the tree. We called that one "the shady tree" and made it our spot to cool off in the summer times.
In the back of the house were 2, separate groves of very old, and therefore tall scrub oak trees where my father and older brother had built 3 separate tree houses in different parts of the North grove. They then connected them with bridge-ways up in the tree branches about 9 - 10 ft. above the ground that even included a handrail. The tree house that was the furthest back had 3 walls and a rooftop with a lookout on top, and a deck on the open north wall. It also had a small deck area underneath from which to spy out that even had lockable hatchways! (One opening down to 2 x 4 rungs down to the ground, the other up into the tree house!) That's where our mom would ALWAYS call out first in her efforts to find us on any given day of the year.
Inside the house, there were 3 great rooms (30 x 30 ft.) two of which on the main floor, and the third above the entrance great room on the first floor. (The 2nd story one became the bedroom for myself and my 2 younger brothers.) That room was the only great room that had an outdoor balcony (looking South) and we loved living in it! (We shared that room for what must have been 5 - 6 years and never fought over "space related" issues. EVER!) Keep in mind the style and era of the home as well. This means elaborate moldings around 10 ft. ceilings on every floor. (We got two, 10 ft. trees (1 for each first floor, great room) that my dad and 'the men' (his 4 sons) would go out and cut down, and haul back on top of our 1957 Plymouth station wagons' roof for our Christmas almost every year! (My parents got by like that, I'm sure. Free Christmas trees, etc.) My parents didn't have money, my mom was a stay at home mom, and my dad was a travelling insurance salesman. I don't know how he did it, but I know that he could make his own hours and sales routes, and that he was "salesman of the month" where he worked at least 10 months out of every year! Which also meant that it was a treat to see and spend time with him because he had a "to do" list from mom and therefore, was always busy whenever he just got home!
We were actually 'lower middleclass' (Looking back now) but we didn't know it. We thought we were doing pretty good in life,. We always seemed to have what we needed and just loved where we were able to grow up. We never seemed to get bored, or tired of it either and that was plenty for us!
Our Christmases there were a double-sided "birthday" for us as kids. One side for Jesus' birthday, and the other of sharing gifts to each other as a 'celebration of His birthday'. (I don't think I really understood that second part of that explanation by my parents back then, but we gave them the "benefit of our (the 3 young kids) misunderstanding", right? Eesh!) Anyway, we were never told the full story about Christ - WHO He was/is, His life and the importance of His existence. Only that He was "the Son of God" and, the best man who ever lived, and therefore the best example by which to live. That was it! (That was good enough for us. We ALL got presents, right?!) We were like, "Okay, just another birthday party every year, and on this one, it's EVERYBODYS birthday! What's not to love and run with here?!"
I can't speak for any of my 4 siblings, but I know that - I - never knew WHY we weren't told the full story about Jesus until in my late 50's, after talking to my mother about how - she - was taught, (in a Catholic school in South America) and how it severely affected how she wanted, and would decide to let her own children find out, "In their own time, and in their own way."
This was my mindset, on that chilly, June night in Southern Colorado at the 1969 State Fair. Alone and looking for something ..., 'different' than what my 2 brothers might choose to experience, who were there at the same time, on their own, doing the same thing but only going in different directions than I was. I headed North from the central square area where we agreed to meet back in 15 minutes with the Church Camp couple who had taken us there and given us some trust to have freedom to do our own thing for a while.
One brother went East, and the other South. (We thought "Wow! This is GREAT!") When I got to a fork in the pathway ahead of me, I decided after seeing what looked like 'usual fair stuff' on my right, and 'little kid stuff' on my left that I would go into a large trailer that was straight in front of me at the split in the pathway. When I noticed that there was no line to go inside, I felt like that was an even better choice to try out first. The trailer was sideways in front of me with a door on each end. The door on the right was marked "Enter", and both doorways were full of bright, yellow light inside. So, with one last look of consideration, off I went into the door on the right end of this trailer.
When I got inside, I found the first room to be have a TV video player. (One of the first of its' kind back then, but quite primitive compared to modern players.) There was a hallway leading to 3 other rooms down along this trailer and as I looked, I did not see nor hear any other people in there with me. I decided that this fact allowed me some extra freedom to just take my time and just be myself while there, so I kept looking around. The video player had a remote with a large sticker on it that said, "Play", so I hit the button. As I realized what this video was going to be about, my first reaction was to lose interest but, as I continued to watch and listen, I heard something that I had never heard before about the subject so, I decided to keep watching. Before I knew it, I had heard a couple more pieces of new information on this and then, the video said to continue to the next room where there was another video presentation.
These rooms had pictures on the walls, and a table with some imitation artifacts from the time period of the subject matter. I continued on in the same manner as the first room - being surprised at the new information that I was receiving, spurring me on to see what was in store for me on the next video. By the time that I was in the middle of the 2nd rooms' presentation, I was shocked that nobody had told me about these things before! I kept asking myself; "Why didn't my mom TELL ME about this?!" I had not only found information that I should have been told, but it was also HUGE information! (By this time, my parents had been separated for some time and were working on getting a divorce. My 2 younger brothers and I were living with our mom in a normal 3 bedroom, 2 bath home while she worked full time to support us. Our MUCH older siblings were already out on their own by then.)
By the time that I was coming out of the exit door of this State Fair Exhibit I was confused, in shock and had lost ANY INTEREST in seeing another fair exhibit, game or ride! I just wanted to get back to the couple that brought us to tell SOME adult about my experience that I had just had all on my own. When I found them, they wanted me to wait until my brothers came back as well before sharing my experience with them, which was only about 5 minutes or so. (I decided to wait until last to share my story, because I couldn't imagine that either of my brothers would say that they had just found out that our mom was keeping vital secrets from us for some reason!)
They both shared about what rides they went on, and what cool prize that they saw and tried to win. When it came my turn, I didn't know how to start, or even how to put the message in a way that didn't sound crazy right off the bat, so there was a pretty big pause before I actually spoke. (Before I share what I said, keep in mind that I had always been VERY serious in nature about any, important subject since the breakup of my family the year prior to this Summer.)
What I remember saying was something along the lines of; "I found this trailer right away, and it talks everything about Jesus. What I found out in there was, that our mom didn't tell us A BUNCH of stuff about Him, and how important His life is!!!" "Did you know that He came so that we may be forgiven for our sins?! Did you know that, etc., etc.?" "Our mom should have told us this stuff! I don't understand why she didn't because, THIS IS SO IMPORTANT!" (I think that I may have cried a little at that point, I'm not sure...) The couple from our church camp was looking at me, grinning from ear to ear THE WHOLE TIME that I spoke! They only said that they couldn't speak for our mom so, maybe I should have a conversation with her. (Of course, right?)
Now, to end this story I must share one, VERY IMPORTANT detail that I haven't told you yet. At the end room of the Christian Exhibit trailer, the video presentation asked if you "needed to be saved and would like to become a Christian". It then offered a "sinners' prayer" to repeat after each line to become saved. I couldn't imagine a reason to wait to do it, so I did the prayer right then and there, BY MYSELF, in a trailer to a video presentation!
I GOT SAVED BY A VIDEO PRESENTATION, at ten years of age! Little did I know that I would get saved again 7 years later at a Billy Graham Revival, and again 7 years after that by (whom I STILL BELIEVE to this day was) Christ HIMSELF! Those stories are for another time though.
I hope that you found this story interesting, and more so helpful.
Thank you for reading
"Are YOU still at Risk of this?"
How many times in your life would you say that you, ... had to JUST TRUST that whatever you were about to do was going to turn out okay? I can tell you from thinking about it for many, many years myself, that the actual number is WAY MORE than you imagined or will probably even guess after thinking about a second time!
For example, when you were just a baby there had to have been countless times that you (or pretty much everybody else for that matter) didn't even realize or perceive. I'm not knowledgeable about such things but, the type of experience that I am referring to is, taking a conscious, "leap of faith" to make an attempt at anything really. (Taking first steps, running, jumping and even trying to learn and even to speak.)
How many times in your life would you say that you, ... had to JUST TRUST that whatever you were about to do was going to turn out okay? I can tell you from thinking about it for many, many years myself, that the actual number is WAY MORE than you imagined or will probably even guess after thinking about a second time!
For example, when you were just a baby there had to have been countless times that you (or pretty much everybody else for that matter) didn't even realize or perceive. I'm not knowledgeable about such things but, the type of experience that I am referring to is, taking a conscious, "leap of faith" to make an attempt at anything really. (Taking first steps, running, jumping and even trying to learn and even to speak.)
Another example is in the fact that we ALL must learn one, very particular "lesson" on our own when we either become curious to really find out what fire actually feels like ("Is it really hot, like people tell you"?) or we learn it against our will - not by choice. Unfortunately, it's NOT an "instinctual awareness" that is passed down through our DNA from one generation to the next. We all eventually just "learn it". Even if we only get close enough to satisfy our curiosity, we all learn it at some age. Anyone with kids that love a campfire or fireplace can attest to the fact that they each have a different level of curiosity and tolerance yet, they all seem to be curious until they know. (It's probably one of the experiences that unites us on a primitive level as a species.)
Now I want to ask again but, by taking it to another level. How many times have you risked your life when taking a leap of faith? I'm guessing that most people would say only a few times after trying to remember their past "risky moments" in life. (Most of those probably come from trusting someone that you probably shouldn't have to drive some type of vehicle with you in it - Car, motorcycle, plane, etc.) I'm also guessing that most people aren't big about the adrenaline rush of putting your life at risk but, the ones who are must do so countless times in their lifetimes.
Now I am going to shock you with a realization that I believe only a chosen few have come to experience! (The ones who have seen it already, have done so because they prioritize and focus so much of their mind, heart and time into one, certain area of their lives.) I am going to try and make you aware of this without any pre-conceived judgements or, feelings on my part whether you have seen this, or not. I say this for good reason. What I am about to say to you is of the MOST SERIOUS nature and subject so, it's going to have the appearance of having 'judgement' upon it so, I want to be very clear up front about this message.
Don't mistake my serious tone, for "judgement" here. That being said, I'm just going to come right out, and say what needs to be said.
The VAST MAJORITY of humanity in todays' world, are PUTTING THEMSELVES AT MAJOR RISK, ALL day, EVERY DAY! Without taking any "LEAP" of faith whatsoever! Although they ARE operating daily HAVING faith about how to perceive the world, it's most likely that most of them are anywhere from vaguely aware to clueless about it! Not only that but in my opinion, WHAT they are putting at such risk HAS TO BE, the "over-riding and most crucial part" of our existence as human beings!
It's not because they don't care either! It, and risking "it" are mostly OVERLOOKED because of 3 reasons, in my opinion.
It's such a subtle part of our experience as humans, and therefore easy to completely overlook. (Only seen when looked for.)
Talking about & teaching this part of our experience is almost completely avoided in the vast majority of societies today.
Using this part of our experience requires an open mind and, "faith" in the process.
So, don't be hard on yourself if you are in this part of humanity, and haven't realized it yet, alright? ​ (Btw, the ones who are aware, and are STILL TAKING the risk anyway, are in the gravest of dangers!)
Before I let the "cat out of the bag" as to what I am saying specifically, I want to ask you something that SHOULD BE easy to answer for any, caring human. (What I mean is, it should be common knowledge in our day and age but STILL, I am just asking for YOUR opinion right now.)
"What IS the most crucial and over-riding aspect of humans?"
Did you have a quick answer? (I can answer quickly with the name it is called, but if you ask me what that means, I come up "looking for words" before I can answer myself. Really though, "Humans" should know this, right? - Basic info. The "most crucial". "Over-rides everything else". "About humans". (Should be common knowledge (even if we chose different words than I am using here to label it) and you would think that we'd be interested too!)
Do you also think we'd be hard pressed to find 3 groups of people that give one, simple answer to that, SIMPLE question?! (I have no doubts about it, myself.)
I'll give you a clue before I give you what my answer is. The REASON that it is the most "crucial" to me is because it's the part of us that, "ONLY ONE can stop or, put an end to it"!
I'll give it to you that my clue may be somewhat confusing for many out there reading it, due to the way that I phrased it. If you're still curious and confused, I chose those words as my clue for the following comparative analogy,
Modern science is able to manipulate multiple energies, in multiple ways. Yet, it cannot create them, nor end them.
THIS PART of our existence is the same way!
The REALLY INTERESTING part is that it requires a leap of faith to PROTECT this part of ourselves from ANY major risk.
​ Have you realized what I'm talking about already? I kept it to myself so far (again) for a reason. I hope that most of you HAVE figured it out by now though. (It would be a sad sign if not, and I'd rather not know it if so.)][;l
I'm talking about your "SOUL". And regardless of your religious beliefs nor lack thereof, anyone out there GAMBLING THEIR SOUL on the issue of, WHO can protect it from ALL things to come, and HOW LONG they have to make their final decision regarding WHO THEY CHOOSE, is being the epitome of "foolish"!!! This is not THE decision on which you want to wait too long to make, nor choose badly!
Do you know when YOUR last day on Earth will be?
(TOO MANY have already passed on choosing to go it alone, or without even making this crucial decision.)
"Are YOU still at Risk of this?"
Written by Mark A Graham
©2024 findinggod.online/
Sept. 07, 24
When ALL MY Doubts Were Removed on Whether I had Found God Almighty, or Not
EVER HAVE anyone "prophesy" something about you before? Not about what is, nor WOULD "happen" to you, but rather about something that you are going to DO in the near future? If so, then was that something regarding an act that not only you had never done before, but also that it would "flow out" you the first time you ever DID do it?! ( Did I get you on that one? Or are you still saying "yes" to all of the questions so far?)
If so, then I bet that we not only have this act in common, but we consider ourselves among a sizeable group of people who have the same thing in common as well...) I'll get to that in awhile.
If you were alive back in 1987, do you remember where you were and who you were with on New Years' Eve at the end of that year? I sure do. I'll NEVER forget it! (As in, remember it for eternity, "never forget it".) Actually, the night was the Eve of New Years' Eve - Dec 30th. I was at a relatives' home visiting from out of state for the holiday and spending my nights there until the time I was to leave Phoenix on Jan. 2 the following week. (Sleeping on the living room sofa for a few nights.)
Her home was scheduled to have the big party on the following evening which made me very happy by saving me some driving in Phoenix on such a night. I was the only guest on the nights before, or after that. She and her three sons all went to their rooms pretty early that night, leaving me alone in the living room, watching tv like I usually did back in those days to help me fall asleep every night. (You know, Carson, then Letterman, then late night tv. (You member? MEMBER?!" :-). )
Anyway, I just COULD NOT fall asleep that night on that sofa! No matter how I tried. I even tried putting my head at the opposite end of the sofa, turning the volume down on the tv and everything. It got well past midnight, and I was still wide awake. Little did I know that it would be the "fateful night" in which the prophecy made about me 3 months earlier would come true! (Looking back 37 years now, I realize that my soul would not permit "the event" that was about to happen, to occur while I slept on a strange sofa.) If you had told me when I got to Phoenix a couple days before that it would happen while I was there, I would NEVER have guessed it would happen THE WAY that it did, with THE PEOPLE, or THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE that it did!)
Things started to get weird after laying on the couch with the tv volume down to where I could barely hear it, and I had spent what seemed like quite a few minutes under a strange silence. I was trying not to notice it and about the time I was deciding to get up to turn the tv back up that, I started to get a bad feeling in my gut. (It wasn't from stomach problems either.)
I felt like I wasn't alone and, whatever it was that I was sensing was NOT a "good thing". I was lying flat on my back on that sofa trying to figure what I was picking up on around that living room. The only other thing that I was getting was that it was from close by in the neighborhood.
As I started to sit up, in an instant it felt like "it" was just underneath the sofa, positioned exactly as I was. Before I could get up, (which I distinctly remember moving my shoulders UP close to 2 inches before this happened) it felt like two arms came up from under the couch, wrapped around me, and pulled me down into that sofa cushion!
I then remember first, getting a feeling of terror come over me, then I lifted my head up to look at my chest to see arms or something on me, but I didn't see anything. I then turned my head to the right to look for wrinkles or a depression in the cushion under me, but when I did I was pulled further down into it.
It was then that I instinctively knew what to do. I closed my eyes, focused my mind, gathered all the inner strength that I had, and I started saying the Lords' Prayer! "Our Father, who art in heaven, ..." When I did, I was pulled harder and tighter downward. So, I turned up the intensity and volume of my prayer, "HALLOWED be THY NAME!" Once again, I was pulled harder down into that sofa, and again I raised my head to look underneath my side as best I could, never slowing down or pausing in my praying out loud, and I started YELLING, "THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE!" and BAMB!!!
The grip of arms around me BURST AWAY, and I POPPED UP (you know, like count Dracula coming out of his coffin or something) except I did it in a split second. (I kid you NOT!) I was UP & VERTICAL at the snap of a finger!
This was a big long sofa, with the extra high armrests on each end too. I had my head at one end and when I shot up (real straight and board like too. ( that's why I said like Dracula does)), my feet landed on the opposite end of that sofa on TOP of the opposite armrest, nailing the landing like a gymnast! (Deserving of a perfect "10" dismount!) The moment that I landed, foreign words started coming out of my mouth, at a hundred miles an hour! LOUD, proud and without stumbling or stuttering a single syllable! I can still remember that moment CLEARLY, the shock that I felt, while finding myself in such a precarious position, doing such AMAZING vocalizations, and thinking to myself, "I didn't know this was HUMANLY POSSIBLE, LET ALONE coming through ME!" (I only spoke English back then and, I couldn't understand A WORD of this!)
I know that it sounds crazy yet, I have this visual memory of being able to see through the glass ABOVE the sliding glass doors. (The only time EVER from that vantage point over the many times that I visited that house) I could see out over the pool and yard, and over the fence on the other end of that yard.
To go with that visual memory, I have an audial memory of my own voice on a never imagined level of performance, ROARING out words, and while thinking, "SOMEBODY has GOT to HEAR ME!"
I also remember that as I my vocalizations began to slow down like a motor winding down, for the first time my body bent down and I kneeled slowly from the high armrest, turning back to my right where I could see the main part of the living room again. (I was EXPECTING to see my relative and her three sons standing there in shock like they had heard the whole thing!
To my surprise, the room behind me WAS EMPTY. (It was like they slept through the whole thing! If so, they must have heard it in their dreams that night I can assure you.) To this day, I don't know HOW LONG I stood on that armrest, nor HOW LONG exactly that those tongues "flowed out" of me, just as was prophesied months prior. I ALSO still don't know WHO heard me do it! None of them ever mentioned having such a dream, nor ever asked me if I heard anything that night either.
I felt after that day that the neighbor over that fence was someone who shared that moment. They may have gotten it as some form of "a sign" from God Almighty that they might have prayed for right at that exact time. (I never met them, nor found out.)
If any of them would ask me now, I would tell them, "THAT was the night that I was sure that I had found God Almighty" because, that sure wasn't ME, nor ANY evil spirit that had possessed me either!"
It took me time with FAITH in Him, to get to that point! If I can do it, SO CAN YOU.
The most important message from Him that I could give you NOW is, "He is coming. He is coming SOON!"
"Do you know when YOUR last day on Earth, will be?
Submitted by Anthony G - Central AZ, USA on Sept 09, 2024
©2024 findinggod.online/