Upon opening the WAMO Cam on EarthCam.net on my morning internet checklist this week, I not only found what I was hoping to there, I also found a nice surprise! Mis-aligned shadows and Sun Reflection on WAMO Cam 11-13-23! What caught my eye at first, made me go up to the webcam history vid's from 3-4pm, to check out them all! I was not prepared for what I would find!
The planes' shadows coming in every couple min's looked, ..., "OFF"! Not just some of them, it was ALL OF THEM! ( I was unable to pause all of them at the right spot to post them, even after multiple attempts on some!) I was able to get 25 images that showed the planes' shadow mis-aligned from the center of the Sun! I posted ALL of them on the webcam site for anyone to see in the future AND, to be able to compare to these images and validate their authenticity.
I am sorry that I currently don't have the video editing software to have been able to put a thin line from the shadows' center, to the Suns' center to assist seeing the 'effect' best.
You can do it yourself using either a string or thread, or a ruler. (Thread works best, I find.) Just put one end of the string on THE CENTER of the shadow, and the other end of the string on THE CENTER of the Sun, and THE CENTER of the plane should be on the CENTER OF THE STRING!
Try it out! See just HOW MUCH they are off-line! (There is much more evidence in these images ALSO. More to come!) * 7th ATTEMPT to post this!
You could have faked these images but, you say these were ALSO posted on the webcam's history?! ...🤔 THIS, is no small thing!