There are SO MANY things and ideas in our perceived reality alone that we simply just can't wrap our minds around! Ideas and concepts from the origin of life to reality outside of time, to infinity and countless more. So many unanswered questions! "Where do we come from? Why are we here?", etc., etc. It's amazing that our curiosity is strong enough to keep us going after the answers as long as it has already!
There's ANOTHER good question, "Where does our curiosity come from?"! For that matter, where do our human abilities to learn, understand, remember and compare on our mental/perceptive side, and our human abilities to be considerate, compassionate, forgiving, hungry to share and thirsty for love in return on our emotional/expressive side of our being even come from?! The fact that we are essentially, "Interested/Curious" while "Caring/Sharing" to begin with, is utterly astounding when to try to "wrap your mind around" the concept that such a thing is "true"! HOW can that be?!!!
For ANYTHING to be possible AND real, would constitute proof of "creation". Creation, then requires as "Creator". So, what "created" humans physical, mental, emotional and spiritual properties as well as the laws regarding their "existence"? Some "thing" MUST HAVE. Right?!
If you can wrap your mind around what's been written here so far, then you can also wrap it around the concept that too many humans (dead and living) have avoided looking at for millennia. Which is, that "The Creator" has made our existence to include interaction possible with ALL of Its' creation that came long before and after us. Including doing so in any and each dimension of reality that we are able to perceive and understand enough to manipulate in a controlled manner. (Principally the ones that have free will to make choices along their way, and who also share in our ability to even care and love "to begin with"!)
What other kind of "beings" are out there that are considerably older and more evolved than us, and who care and love the life of creation? How much of them can we even have a good perception of for starters? I mean, how much can we say that we perceive love and caring ITSELF either?! (This even before we try to look at how they might experience them in order to have any "interaction", on any level with these "other Creations"!)
(Are you still with me? Has this gotten "ginormously huge" yet? At this point, it's easy to see why so many have avoided looking this this concept so hard, for this long. Right?) So, let's go one more step, shall we?
I just want to ask one more question, "How can anyone who can wrap their mind around all of what's been previously mentioned here STILL DENY the reality that such "beings" do exist and interact with us?!" Whether you see them or not, (like many "deniers" require for acceptance) you CAN, and not only DO "perceive" them, but you do so on multiple levels/dimensions! (Whether you can admit it, or not. We all can and do so. Each at our own pace, direction, and level. This goes for the "other", more evolved creations with which we interact as well.)
If you can come this far in this discourse without disagreement, then you most likely call these beings, "angels" and "demons" already, as I do. (As COUNTLESS ancestors before us who "accepted" THEIR interaction with "them", in their time on whatever levels possible then.)
Regardless of what you choose to label these beings, the names do not change the beings themselves, nor the laws governing their interactions upon the multiple levels!
So, what can we know about them? A good starting point is what we must have in common with them in our experience as sentient beings who care about life.
(This topic goes BEYOND "ginormously huge" so, for the sake of making a point in short time, let's keep it simple and among concepts that seem to be mostly accepted among multiple, modern cultures.)
For our races to "interact", we must be able to do so in a compatible space, AND time for both, all of which made by a Superior Being of some kind, providing similar circumstances to some degree, in order to perform the interactions.
So, after all that's been looked at so far, what does that give us to have in common?
We are Limited by the properties and laws governing our existence such as we experience life through time, space and energies.
We are Capable of sentient Perception of existence on limited levels which evolve.
We Care about Life. (It makes a difference to our feelings, one way or the other)
We exist through Choices made from our own, Free Will.
We either suffer or enjoy the Effects that were Caused by our Choices.
We are Connected to The Creator. (If there was only The Creator in the beginning, what building material did It use to create a Multiverse of "matter" with?!)
Our Destinies are Determined by all of these Governing Factors, all within a TIME LIMIT.
(THAT'S ENOUGH, right? That's pretty big stuff.) Yet, while being "big" I'll grant you. It's only the foundation upon which I want to make my point here. Which, I am going to make, RIGHT NOW.
If you can wrap your head around this so far and still not disagree anywhere, then you should be able to sincerely and openly look at the possibility, that there could also be a very simple, and good reason to pit one of Gods' creation against another.
Which, COULD WELL BE that only the younger of 2 races is able to be forgiven by The Creator, for mistakes made that went against It. Ever have that happen to you growing up?
(I did, and I was hurt, jealous and resentful and, spent considerable time just considering a hurtful expression of my resentment towards my sibling, and (more so) my parent! (Fortunately for me, one time trying it out was enough to be ready to quit making such choices!))
All you lack now to see my point, is acceptance of the likelihood of this reality, that God doesn't forgive our elder races (for whatever reason we are ignorant of.) and that those elders are so upset about it that they choose to take it out on us young ones, rather than going UP the chain of command about their "issues"...
The knowledge and CARING are what is important to attain regarding such matters in life, in order to choose a life path on a "true nature" for any, evolved being living by its' own, free will.
How big or grand can any choice be, (no matter how wise and evolved.) if it has only indifference behind it? (Even choices made by "caring" expressed in malice are easier to understand for us humans, than ones made by indifference. It's why we struggle to put ourselves in the place of what it might be like, to be a "machine" - without feeling.)
It is my personal belief that no matter how evolved any machine may become, it cannot endow itself with "caring". That could only be considered what it "experiences internally" that can be a unique "sensation" in conjunction with making the choices - that were previously programmed as the "proper ones". Even choices made spontaneously in unique situations rely upon using analytical reason "previously programed " for use in such situations, establishing new, evolved reasonings STILL ALONG programmed parameters. If this is true, then machines will never truly understand humanity either.
If this be the case with machinery, and our Elder Races may possibly resent us being forgiven BECAUSE of the Caring by God Almighty for us, how "evolved" CAN THEY BE?
Here's the GINORMOUSLY HUGE part!
If you want to connect with The Creator - God Almighty, and know the Love He has for you, imagine the concept that ANY of His Creation can be changed in any way, at any time by Him, and then try to imagine The Love required by Him that allows us to find our own way, (on course or astray) both man and Angel alike!
Choose to Be True. Choose to Care for the Better. Choose to Forgive and Live True to The Creators' design for you my brothers and sisters.
Choose to Know God Almighty through Christ Jesus - Yeshuwa HaMachiach
While you still can!
Do you know when YOUR last day on Earth will be?
Written by Mark A. Graham on Oct. 22, 2024
Do YOU believe in Angels & Demons?
Yes, for sure!
Nope, not real.
Unsure still
Don't Care